Curiosity and the blessings of Back pain… part two.


Image created by Di

Hello and welcome!

Let’s take our journey into part two. I’d love it if you would brew a cuppa, so we can share one together as you read, as it’s a long one. But there is a part three to come nevertheless…

….So, I was curious about my new iPhone.

That warm summer’s morning, I thought perhaps I’d find some information on the web about how to properly utilise the camera app.
I googled and the iPhone Photography School site appeared, with a few short free videos on how to take a great iPhone photo…
I was totally absorbed from the first few moments of that first video and had an overwhelming feeling that this was going to be my new next thing to discover. It was so captivating, learning about the top ten rules of good photography. I chose to take notes before setting out to put them into practise. I’d always been interested in painting more as an artistic pursuit but discovering good photographic technique overtook the painting side. Ah, I’m sure all those canvases and paints will be put to use eventually!

I signed up to purchase the video classes!

It was one of the best things I’ve done, and at that time, I had no concept of how it would take hold of me or how much it was going to become my best friend.
As I began to fall more in love with photography, I joined the Facebook private page to connect with the other students and critique each other’s photos. This gave real meaning to sharing our photos and gave us an outlet to encourage the various genres of photography. So that had been going really well for a couple of months in between planning the wedding of my daughter in the March.

In the meantime, since leaving the University year, I’d visited my acupuncturist for a niggling issue that actually became an exploration into the connection between our mind and our body. Sohial would spend a good amount of time teaching me about emotions, how they relate to different parts of the body and how physical issues are connected with the stresses of daily life. As someone who would dwell on things, and at that time, I was in the midst of my ‘what next’ phase. He knew about my passion for sharing tips and methods of healing that had helped me along my journey. I was lacking confidence to do anything about it.

My Acupuncturist could see what ignited me by listening to me and he stated some lines that I will never forget…
‘It’s time to just stop the constant learning and start sharing…’ and suggested that ‘I’m being selfish by keeping this knowledge to myself…’

They hit me right in the heart and as part of my treatment over a few weeks, he had worked on my self-confidence through the balancing of those relevant energy systems. He asked me what was stopping me from going home and creating a new Facebook account? ‘Just start….Post something’.
Well, I knew the time had come to take his advice. This quote came to me, one I’d hear so many times on podcasts…

Image created by Di

And so a new Facebook site was created with a first post. I’d treated it like a blog and was very proud to be able to add my own images to it.
I used it as my means of sharing what I’d learnt so far and as a means of expressing things that were truly important to me. Things many people didn’t know about me and frequently, I would feel those niggling doubts, ‘What will my family and friends think of me speaking up?’ I was and still am, the ‘quiet one’ and finding that voice to negate those old beliefs was a challenge…I had to remind myself every day to push through them. I was feeling very content sharing things in that way and I felt like I’d really found a place I was meant to be…to share positive stories, inspirational thoughts and vulnerability, along with giving my captures of nature a real home.

And I loved it… but it was mainly people who had known me for a long time that were making the comments and I understand this may sound strange, but to be fully able to explore this me that was waiting to show, it became difficult with so many people who knew me watching on.
I craved to be a new arrival, with the newness not being seen as ‘out of character’. Perhaps this wasn’t being thought, but in my head, this is how it felt.

That’s why the Photography Facebook group became so important. Very important.

The wedding day came and was a beautiful day. I hadn’t realised how much emotion was invested on the actual day and the months leading up to it. I still had my purpose, and it gave me a wonderful excuse to be in regular contact with my daughter.
At the end of the evening, my hubby and I retired to our room and I began to cry… And I really didn’t stop for much of that week. There were so many feelings that the wedding had stirred and I was a little slow to truly learn about them…

So, this is where my dear back decided to step in to become my new teacher.

It decided, late in April, that it was time to spasm. I was convinced something dreadful had taken place…I was utterly immobilised. I said goodbye to putting on my socks for the next two months. Everything was a chore to manage and it was impossible to sit for too long.

Sorry gentlemen, but at the same time, and since the wedding in March, my cycle had continued and was oblivious to the fact it was supposed to actually stop at some point!! I was living in fear of what may have been wrong but trusted that it was a natural thing for you know, the Big M, Menopause.

For my back pain, I consulted physios, did some exercises at home that were prescribed, attempted Pilates class, was told that just as many people with bulging discs don’t have pain as the ones that do, so pain is not necessarily an indicator of a major injury. It was not an automatic thing to take x-rays.
As I waited and was anxious about my cycle, I basically withdrew from life when I could, happily escorting myself out during the daytime to discover beautiful gardens and capture landscape images. This fed my passion and began a new discovery of self… I was spending so much time alone, I could really hear myself think. ‘How am I going to get over this back issue?’ ‘What is going on for me?’ and generally pondering my life and my purpose.
One thing I knew was the futility of fighting  the situation… it is was it is, so I was quite at peace with the surrendering side of it. ‘What about my cycle?’ That terrified me totally, as I was going to be the one with the easy transition and I was utterly disappointed that it appeared to be eluding me.

A beautiful 92 year old friend encouraged me to have it checked out, under the proviso that I didn’t have to act upon any treatment that didn’t resonate with my alternative view on healing. She suggested that perhaps the two issues were linked…

And so I did. Thankfully nothing abnormal was showing. So if I can share with you one main take-away for you here, it’s that this can be normal during this time of our life from a physical perspective. There was no medical procedure to be done, but I saw a wonderful newly graduated doctor who could see my fear and provided much reassurance that nothing was necessarily wrong and we agreed upon the ‘let’s just watch and see’ approach, a more common theme, she commented.

I consulted an amazing book ‘The Wisdom of Menopause by Dr Christiane Northrup. Dr Northrup delves into the emotional aspect of this time in a woman’s life and is also a wonderful resource for holistic as well as the more conventional interventions.

One fine day, I ventured into the city seeking more photo opportunities, which also provided me with constant motion.
I’d planned to visit a bookshop called The Theosophical Society Bookshop in Melbourne. It was full of so many Spiritual, Alternative Health Healing, Mysticism, Eastern Philosophy books, to name a few. While browsing, I came across the section about Back pain.

There it was…

The most inconspicuous paperback book caught my attention.
It’s called ‘Healing Back Pain. The Mind-Body Connection’ by Dr E. Sarno

It was an urgency now to jump right in and see what Dr Sarno had to say.
I’m going to include three links below of some interviews with him, discussing his reasoning and philosophy about certain types of pain.

Dr Sarno includes this to include many other types of pain from Fibromyalgia, headaches, neck and shoulder pain. Thanks to his findings, there is much more of a shift to the power of the mind, and accepting the brain’s way of protecting us from emotional pain is to create it in our bodies. It’s potentially a paradigm that may become more accepted for many mainstream treatment protocols.

It is something I have truly delved into and now experienced as you will see in part three. From my time learning about Biology, reading profusely about the mind/body connection, I cannot withhold this information from you any longer. Today, I’ve revisited these videos and it’s time, in the hope it may relieve some of you who are suffering in pain. It’s real pain, not ‘imagined’ and has a real physiological pathway. So no one is suggesting we asked for it. Life is comprised of feelings, thoughts and emotions and often, things are buried and the brain gives us the pain as a means of protection.

So in using my blog in the way that I’d always desired, here are the links and if by some chance they don’t open for you, there are countless videos on YouTube if you just search for Dr E. Sarno.

I wish you all the best if you are suffering from an unexplained, consistent pain, because I now know how utterly debilitating it can be when you can’t seem to find anything that works to relieve it. My deepest wish is that this way of thinking may be part or all of the answer you are looking for.

Until next time, thank you for reading. I really wanted to make sure we had detailed the history and lead-up to my story to help you understand what was going on for me at the time. So for the gory details, you may scream ‘too much information…’ but you will see the connection and why I couldn’t omit that as part of my journey.


****This is my story and not to be seen as medical advice but rather a sharing of my strategies and resources. ****

Until part three, much love from Di 


48 thoughts on “Curiosity and the blessings of Back pain… part two.

    1. Hello Otto, so sorry I didn’t see your kind comment sooner. I’m not sure how it slipped me by.
      I’m happy you enjoyed reading my very honest account and I’m very pleased to say that my back is doing very well since that episode.
      Yes, it was the blessing in disguise most certainly, Otto.
      Thank you for asking about my back and again for your lovely words…💐


    1. Hi Bella, I’m so glad you got to see this one. It’s a big one and so important in my journey. Thank you for taking the time to read it 💐💐


  1. Hello Di!
    I can’t believe how long it has been since my last visit. Thank you very much for sharing your life story…I really felt your emotions thru your words…I could not really relate yet with the big M thing as I am still in the mid-30’s, but still your sharings ars very good learnings… I couldn’t agree more about the back pains related to emotions. I know that most of our physical pains are due to stress and our emotional well-being but you have said it better in your post! I learned from someone that we are emotional beings and our decisions, though we may think we’re using logic, but really it boils down to what we feel…
    Also, let me just say that I commend your honesty and you’re brave for getting thru all inevitable “roller-coasters” of life. Thanks for sharing what you know and have learned. Keep being a bkessing to others Di!
    Warm regards,
    Nina 😊💕

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello dear Nina,
      I’m thrilled to see you visit and I know there are so many things vying for our time… anytime you can make it is welcome no matter how long…
      Thank you so much for your beautiful words about this post. It was very special and important year last year and I’m so touched by your lovely contribution.
      As for the big ‘M’, I’m glad it may give you some hope for when the time comes.
      I’m really honoured by your kind words and you are a gift to the blogging world. I’m very grateful we’ve connected.
      Thank you again Nina…
      Hugs from Di 💐💕

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You deserve every positive feedback from your readers. Your posts are very honest, helpful and uplifting!
        I am also very grateful for your comment. It is my hope that people who gets to visit my blog get to feel happier (even if it’s only little) when they leave it… 🙂


  2. This is an amazing share Di…thank you so much. I love the story of your journey unravelling and finding your passion in photography… how wonderful it is when we find what makes our heart sing. I really understand how you felt too in wanting newness…a new platform…away from the critique of those that know you to begin sharing yourself anew. When we want to evolve, stayed beliefs can be a hindrance can’t they? I am so grateful to have met you ❤️ And oh how I love Dr Sarno…this is GOLD and something I truly believe. I have listened to his first video and have decided I am his perfect patient…being PERFECT and GOOD that is!!!!!!!!!!! Oh how painful it is 😦😦😦 and how hard we are on ourselves. Thank you Di for sharing, I am utterly thrilled 🙏🙏🙏⭐️🌹Xo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello dear Carol,
      I cannot say how utterly delighted I am to see your beautiful contribution to this post. To think you found some goodness in the sharing of the links here has truly made my day.
      Dr Sarno makes such a lot of sense doesn’t he?
      And I’m glad you resonated with the fact of running away for a while to consolidate our new journey…without the critique. You are a blessing and have been such a welcome and vital part of my discovery my friend. Thank you so much.
      We can be very hard on ourselves Carol….and I discovered it has no benefits…
      I can feel your delight over this post and it warms me incredibly.
      Thank you again for your positive encouragement and very kind words. Much love 💕🌟🌹


      1. Dear Di, oh yes, I found gold in your message and I truly resonate as kindred spirits … our journeys are so similar in many ways. It always feels so wonderful to know that we are truly understood. What a gift it is. Thank you Di…you really are a treasure and I thank the universe for sending you my way 👌🙏🙏🙏⭐️🌹😍xo

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Hello to you, ‘yourdivineperfume’
        I do believe you may have fixed your email issue🌹
        Thank you for your gorgeous reply.
        Yes, it’s quite uncanny isn’t it? And I’m going to name it as a beautiful blessing that we were brought together perhaps when we both needed a kindred spirit the most.
        I’m very grateful to know you…
        Thank you again dear Carol 🌹💕🌹


      3. My mind is boggled Di because I thought I had fixed it last night but today it appeared not and I have just received this message from you in my mail….goodness me, I think the universe is confused lol 😄😄😄😄😄. I did respond and leave a comment on part 3 of your blog post but not through email, I went directly to your blog 😙😄😍🌹xo

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Hello dear Carol,
        I wish I could say something to alleviate your issue but alas, I’ve no idea!!
        At the very least it’s great we are able to find each other’s messages.
        Thank you for preserving 🙏🏼💐


      5. Hi Di…well it seems it is working now…very strange, but I won’t touch it for fear of messing it up again lol 😄😄😄. Hope you are enjoying a lovely sunny day like we are in Adelaide xo

        Liked by 1 person

      6. That’s wonderful Carol. Go you! Glad you have some lovely sun. And yes, perfect, still Autumn days here. We have skipped to the country for a few days. Lots of colour 🍂🍂🍃🍃💜

        Liked by 1 person

      7. Thank you Carol🙏🏼 Yes, I’m hoping a couple may have popped into the camera already 🍂🍃 ‘See’ you soon 🙋🏻💕


  3. Many thanks Di for sharing your journey. It really helps others to find their way forward. I look forward to reading part 3 and I shall watch the you tube videos this evening. Meantime I am enjoying a sunny afternoon in my garden. Bliss. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Brigid, and thank you so much for reading this post and for your supportive words. I appreciate it was very long but I really wanted to share the videos in context once I’d decided I had to spread the word.
      I hope you have another sunny day today. And I do believe your book is arriving today too!
      Until next time, by for now and thank you again 💐

      Liked by 1 person

      1. What a lovely reply Brigid. Thank you. Yes, it really is lovely to learn about each other.
        I’m sure I will because from your interview, you write about all the therapies I adore.
        And wishing you a great week too 💐

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Brigid, my hubby has just arrived home from work with your pretty book. We use his work for delivery. All good! Yay 🙂🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Love this Di! I am really curious about reading this book as I have suffered neck pain since I was 13! I know a lot of it is stress related. I often wonder about menopause myself. It is a scary thing! I am 45 but feel inside like I’m 30! I know that the change will be frightening because it means I am moving on to older years! So beautiful Di!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello dear Nicole,
      I’m really touched to read this resonated with you. Thank you so much. It’s a little different to my usual style too, so your kind words made my day 💐
      Well, if you have time, the interviews certainly offer great info first off.
      I know what you mean about the ‘big M’ but it’s not too bad and I hope my next part may help too.
      I feel like 30 as well, and I think it’s a great place to stay…. I saw a 90 something year old man on the tv tonight who is still teaching exercise classes….. very inspiring🙂
      Well, I thank you again my friend, for your wonderfully encouraging support and comments here. It means a lot 💐🌟🌟

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Good morning Di , I have now read part one and two of your blog on the blessings of pain…. and I agree with you that physical pain is often a way for the body to distract one from emotional Pain…. I also believe the pain and adversity are
    powerful vehicles to promote personal growth….if you’ve never suffered , how can you understand the suffering of others.
    Beautifully written and expressed my lovely, darling friend. I’m going to keep this short and sweet as I am shattered…. I look forward to
    Episode three. I hope you get this commenting huggggssss 💕💜💕🌸😍

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hello my dear Maggie,
      Yes, I’ve received your heartfelt contribution to my post. Thank you so much.
      I love how you have expressed yourself and articulated the thought that to be more empathetic we must experience our own form of suffering. ‘The wounded healer’ comes to mind.

      I really appreciate and value your kind and encouraging thoughts. I hope you can go and get some sleep now.
      Hugs and my best wishes for you my friend 💐💜💜


  6. Di, you are such an enlightened person and I am so grateful to you, for always sharing such inspiring pieces of writing. I am sorry you had to go through the pain, but how great that you did, because it led you to the profound understanding of the connection between body, mind and spirit you now possess – thanks for sharing that knowledge with all of us!! Your blog is definitely a place where people can come to find the encouragement and inspiration they need. Looking forward to reading part 3! Have a great day, Di! 💕

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hello beautiful Tanya,
      Thank you so much for your kind contribution to this post. I’m so happy to receive your positive feedback about it as it was a different style today. But I’m very passionate about this topic and my wish is to spread the word that stress really does create imbalance and our habitual negative thoughts about ourselves too… an easy well worn path that provides no goodness to us.
      I’m touched and again honoured by your thoughts about my blog.
      I’m grateful to you and for you….
      Awesome lady.
      Thank you, thank you ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Dear Di,
    In the first post I was wondering what is “about the back pain” in the title, but then I knew there would be something following-up. Thanks for sharing your life-story with such simplicity, courage and an intent to help anyone and everyone. I went through the you tube videos too and its really awe-inspiring. In my life experiences too, I had some healing which till now my conditioned mind like to disbelief but then result speaks more. You make my belief stronger and push me to take the next steps. Am eagerly waiting to read the third part.
    Actually now I look for Thursday in my calendars 🙂
    Love and Care

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hello dear ArtOfMobile… your concluding lines always bring a warm giggle to me and again this last line did…thank you, you wonderful person…💐
      I’m thrilled to bits to think you watched the video and stimulated the desire to explore this side of your health journey even deeper. That’s all I could hope for in sharing this. I have to wrap my story around the links so it’s more meaningful for us all, but at the heart of it, I’m passionate about letting people know that they may not have to continue to suffer in pain… that perhaps there is another piece of the puzzle that mainstream medicine misses often. It has its place big time, but can’t offer all the answers.
      I wish you all the very best on your health journey and I’m so excited you are part of my blogging journey. I’m so grateful for you.
      Thank you my friend… 💕


  8. Acupuncture is most beneficial for unexplained pains … I don’t mind medical diagnosis but tend to prefer alternative healing methods.
    Mind you when I had both sciatic nerves cut from by a bulging disc from two falls I did have to have a laminectomy … doctors said I would never walk, I limped heavily for 12 years but now nobody has a clue. Mind and body are very closely connected and there is much documentation on it.
    Sounds like your daughters marriage created a crisis of purpose for you and you are dealing with it well!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hello Kate,
      Thank you so much for reading my post and leaving your inspiring thoughts. That is awesome to read that you are walking after being told you would ‘never’. I think we must banish that word. You are another example of the power of the mind for self healing. Congratulations and I’m so pleased you are much better.
      Yes, it stirred up a few things for sure. Being the youngest…
      Thank you again,
      Di 💐

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Think you for sharing your story with us Di. You’ve been through so much and obviously gained so much strength and perspective. Clearly your journey has lead you along this path where your words of encouragement will no doubt inspire so many. 💕I wish you all the very best and look forward to reading part three. Love and hugs to you beautiful brave woman. xo ❤️

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hello dear Miriam 🌸
      Thank you so much for reading my story. I’m touched you call me brave but the brave part really was just putting this information out there so it may be a new way of seeing things that often the medical side neglects.
      You’ve stumbled upon my another real passion here…
      And you are right about where I’m at now and why.
      Thank you for your beautiful and kind words. I was thrilled to see you name in notifications as the first person to let me know what you thought. That means a lot.
      Hugs back to you, lovely 💕💐

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Despite what you might otherwise think Di, you are brave and I love the fact that you’ve delved into where, as you said yourself, the medical profession often neglects.
        It’s always a pleasure reading your posts. You have so much to offer so many. Big hugs my friend and hope you’re enjoying this glorious sunshine. xo 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Well, dear Miriam, I’ll respect your kind thoughts and words and just say ‘thank you so much’…💐
        And yes, it’s an amazing day that I’m really enjoying. Hope you are too?
        In gratitude,
        Di 🙋🏻💕

        Liked by 1 person

      3. That’s wonderful Miriam🌞🌞
        And I hope my comment on your blog is showing for you and not in spam…
        I know how prompt you are with replies so I’m wondering if something went amiss. It’s a beautiful post by you….

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Oh I didn’t see that one sneak past me Miriam…🤔
        No it was about Changes in the air. I’ll read and reply to your new one today so if no comment appears, you know to go search!
        Very puzzling 🌞☘️


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