Creative prompt…The Bright Side of Life.


The quote above is from the Monty Python song ‘Always Look on the Bright Side of Life.’ A very cheerful tune in itself…I hope you can sing along whilst you are reading…

Hello there, this week, I’m contributing to Nikki of FlyingThrough Water and her creative prompt ‘The Bright Side’.

There is so much goodness that comes from being positive, looking on the bright side, not dwelling on the negative. This has been promoted heavily in the self-help movement as Positive thinking.
Keeping Gratitude journals are excellent ways to maintain our focus on the good things in life. Even if at times it feels as if life really isn’t going in our favour.

But is it necessary and even healthy, to ignore a huge part of life when things go wrong?
To attempt to deny the feelings that accompany the less desirable parts of life?

It’s easy to fall into the pattern of blame and negative thinking with phrases such as ‘this always happens to me’, ‘I never win anything,’ and ‘everyone else seems to be having a better life than me…’ These defeating self talk patterns can swim around and around in our head for days, weeks or even months. Believe me, I know. I’ve been called a catastrophizer in the past…
We are unaware of how much it’s become an ingrained, almost reflex attitude to life. We are in great danger of attracting more of what we don’t want through these negative reactions.

This isn’t acceptance of the challenges that arise. It’s more about living in fear.

But there is another way of accepting the curve balls that life throws at us. It’s called Positive Psychology and is described beautifully in a short interview here by a researcher called Barbara Fredrickson. She believes resilience and strategies for managing the hard times is the more proactive way to respond. I hope you find it helpful.

 Dr. Andrea Dinardo writes about these important topics in her inspiring blog,
Thriving under Pressure.

Can we still find happiness when we are facing hard times that can rock us to our core?
Can we really just look on the bright side of life that readily?

I believe it comes down the that beautiful expression…
We can ‘make lemonade out of lemons’…

Now, I can see a huge pile of sour, bitter lemons presenting themselves before me. Yes, they are here, they are not going away anytime soon.
What to do with them now they are mine? Somehow I took ownership of them without even asking…

Well, I can try to ignore them, long enough, and the rotting sphere of once brilliant yellow will call us to attention even harder. Glossing over things and ignoring them can only be of value for a period of time.


I can sit with them for a while, say ‘hello lemons’, ponder ‘what am I going to do with you?’
Leaving them in the back of the fridge in the dark will not make them go away.

Ok… attitude shift.
I’ll take those lemons, slice them open to allow the light of  day to penetrate, squeeze them until the juice inside runs out, after all, the only way to remove the juice is through squeezing them… and when I have taken what I can from them, it’s now time to find a way to make it work for me. To restore the sweetness to life, even in the midst of discovering that things aren’t proceeding as planned or as I wished them to be.

I add sugar…

So perhaps it’s not about desperately thrashing around in a stressful state aiming to remove or find a quick fix for something…

It’s not about turning a blind eye to the challenges, less than desirable experiences and negative parts of life, as if they didn’t exist, attempting to sweep them under the carpet.

Perhaps looking on the bright side of life is truly about acceptance of what is, sitting with negativity, sadness, disappointment, just long enough for our emotions to feel seen and heard. Once we name the beast, we tame the beast, and could we even find a way to love it?

Like a recipe I need to modify, it’s not possible to remove the ingredients already mixed…

But what I may choose to do is add a sprinkle of this, a dash of that, a pinch of something extra, until before us lies a totally new recipe, while still incorporating the initial ingredients.

I re-write the recipe.

Adding Love to the situation through…

Loving what’s presenting itself to us just now manifests as…

Adopting a fresh attitude,
Discovering how this issue is contributing to my growth, through choosing to believe it’s here as my teacher,
Creating a purpose for its existence even when it seems near impossible at the time. Cradling my thoughts into surrendering to ‘what is’, if I cannot change the situation.
I can also choose to see it as something that is part of a bigger picture, one I am not necessarily privy to just now, so I can add trust along with the surrender.
Perhaps with time, I am able to reflect, to see the experience as a superpower; one that affords me the opportunity to serve others going through their own tough times.

As Shakespeare wrote in Hamlet,

‘There is nothing either good nor bad, but thinking makes it so.’

I’ll leave you with this beautiful piece, called
‘Amazing advice on Happiness at 92 years old.’

It’s relating a story about a 92 year old lady with vision impairment who knew the time had come to enter a nursing home. Her story, I’m sure, will melt your heart. I hope you have time to read it when suits you… there are many gems of life lessons contained within…

As always, I am very grateful to you for being here.
Thank you again Nikki for an awesome prompt…

Much love,
Di xx



56 thoughts on “Creative prompt…The Bright Side of Life.

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by with your lovely thoughts Otto. They mean a lot coming from the writer and photographer you are.
      I appreciate it 💐✨✨

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Hello Di, Frankie here!!
    I love your post here, especially the part where you say: “You can’t take away ingrédients that are already mixed…but you can add some fantasy or extra flavor!” That is really clever and full of sense for me! Thank you for that brilliant advice!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello my dear friend Frankie,
      I’m touched by your kind thoughts and supportive words on how I have expressed myself here. You have made my day.
      Wishing you well,
      Didi 💐😍😍


  2. I really enjoyed this post Di. Love the recipe. Staying on the bright side really can be a challenge, but as you said, it comes down to acceptance. I learned this only recently, to aim for the best, but to accept things as they come and keep moving forward. If we dwell on things that didn’t go our way, we begin to feel sad and disappointed. Thanks for this post 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Candace,
      What a lovely response to read this morning. Thank you so much for your very kind and encouraging words.
      I’m sorry to hear you had to experience what sounds like a difficult time but your amazing attitude sounds like you are managing to work things out.
      Wishing you well moving forward, and thank you again for being here.
      Di 💐

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Deej you always manage to place things in perspective wonderfully, not giving the false hope that everything is nice and pretty, but as alternative accepting when sour moments cross our way and how to change it just by switching our mindset.
    Love this quote; Shakespeare wrote in Hamlet,
    ‘There is nothing either good nor bad, but thinking makes it so.’

    Thank you Deej

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello dear Sobia…
      Your comments are always so beautiful and so kind.
      Thank you sincerely.
      I’m happy you enjoyed this post and quote. I’m grateful to have you stop by.
      Wishing you well from Deej 🙋🏻💐💐

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Almost three years ago, my life completely imploded. But despite the pain and horror that I was faced with, I made a conscious decision to extract the lessons from it so that I could learn and grow – that decision changed my life. I am not who I was three years ago and will remain eternally grateful for every ounce of pain I had to feel because it changed me for the better and brought me to this place. I shudder at the thought of who I would have become if I hadn’t chosen to see the beauty. Luckily, I didn’t and for me, there is no looking back. Your message in this post is so crucial to self growth and happiness.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Tanya,
      Thank you very much for sharing your heartfelt journey to acceptance of the gifts your hard times revealed to you.
      It’s people like you who share these amazing attitudes towards the dark times that gives it a surge of purpose, to think by sharing your story, you can be the teacher for us and inspire us all. Realizing things don’t last forever and we can become great again…to me, that’s what life’s about…
      Thank you sincerely for your blog that spreads this stunning message for us all.
      I’m so grateful to know you…

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Glad to be back and reading your inslirational posts Di. I love Monty Python as you know and I too am busy making new lemonade. I hope your journey to London is coming together nicely. Mrs Jones is another inspiring lady. Hugs. 🌼🌼🌼

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Brigid,
      It was so lovely to see your name appear here again.
      Thank you for your kind words. I’m glad you enjoyed the links I hope you had a lovely time with your family?
      I’m so happy this post resonated with you. You certainly show us the gift of resilience and returning to love after being worn down by life’s difficulties.
      I have offered your book to a friend an she said ‘thank you, but I’ve already read the kindle version!’ That’s great. And instead of putting it into storage, I suggested she pass it to a new reader who will appreciate your journey.
      Until soon,
      Hugs to you too 💐♥️

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Oh! Such a beautiful, joyful and uplifting song. I loved it
    It just made my forehead relax and stretched my lips.
    I must say this post has came to me at the most appropriate time.
    Life brings so many different difficult situations … it never falls short of it Hahaha!!.
    I will re-remember the song and …smile and …things will look normal.
    I really appreciate your effort in putting various informative things in your post.
    It’s really lovely how you have consolidated the spirit of “bright side of the life” in one post. Very Effective force.
    Love & Kindness

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello my dear ArtOfMobile,
      Thank you so much for visiting here again and letting me know what you enjoyed about this post.
      I’m always so touched and encouraged when something I write reaches a deserving recipient.
      I write too, about what I need to hear at any given time and share in the hope that it may resonate with another heart.
      Thank you for letting me know it reached yours.
      I’m happy you enjoyed the song. It certainly helped my hubby through a difficult day many years ago.
      As for you wanting to use it so things can look normal, I have just been listening to a podcast and contained within we’re the words…’maybe we need to find a new normal’. I loved that and I hope it means something to you too at this time, my friend.
      Wishing you well and sending love and care as always 💐💕


      1. Thanks Di,
        “maybe we need to find a new normal” . Very effective indeed.
        Different situations brings different things and thus to settle again a new normal is needed to see and accept. Perfect.
        Making peace with one’s mind and heart with new learning.
        Thanks, just a change in direction and wind starts flowing again. Great.
        Thanks & Love my friend.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Hello dear ArtOfMobile,
        Thank you for your lovely reply…I’m so glad those words may have helped you make peace with a situation you may be dealing with.
        Yes, we are in constant flow, as are the things that come to us. Sometimes we hit a snag and that’s understandable. But with time, as you beautifully said, a change in direction and the wind starts flowing once again.
        Wishing you all the best and thank you again for being here. It means the world….
        Love to you too 🙋🏻💕💕


  7. Thanks for this post Di, and the reminder that positivism needs to be cultured; it’s a choice to make. Love that quote from the Bard too. And thanks for your creative reminder of the importance of the “love ingredient” in the recipe of life.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Denzil,
      Thank you so much for being here.

      I was so touched to read your kind comments and thoughts about this post.
      I’ll never say it’s easy to change our way of thinking but I love your summation that ‘positivism needs to be cultured.’ Thank you for adding that perspective.
      I’m happy you appreciated the quote by the Bard…
      I’m always very passionate about reminding us all (including me) that the loveliest ingredient of all begins with that goodie, self-love.
      Thank you again, and wishing you a great weekend 💐

      Liked by 1 person

  8. I love this post so much Di. 💕Accepting of challenges and turning lemons into lemonade is like one of the fundamental recipes of a peaceful life. You’ve summed it all up so beautifully and I resonated with so much here as I’m working on my own form of turning “lemons into lemonade”. Thank you for another beautiful, inspiring and very thought provoking post my dear friend. Hugs xo 💖🌷

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello lovely!
      I truly value your thoughts on this post, as it can be such a subjective topic. And not one attitude can fit all of what life will throw at us. There is always a time to sit and feel angry, sad and sorry for ourselves. It’s to be expected. But as you said so generously, a peaceful life is one we all deserve and I hoped to spread some ways that have made a difference to me in recent times.
      Thank you again my friend. Your support is priceless to me…
      I wish you all the very best as you turn your ‘lemons into lemonade’.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Rima,
      Thank you for stopping by to read my post. I really appreciate your thoughts about it too.
      I can totally understand your point. I wanted to show here that we can’t escape the feelings. It probably is one of the most challenging and heart wrenching aspects of hard times. And just as much if we are the ones doing the support from the sidelines. My wish and intention in writing this and sharing the video and the last link, was that there can be a glimmer of hope somewhere in the future.
      All the best Rima 💐


  9. Beautiful Di! This post is so true. Attitude is everything yet sometimes it can be a constant battle and fight to keep positive every day. Life can be overwhelming. I am generally very positive but this summer I’ve been in a bit of an unexplainable funk. But sometimes it happens for no reason at all and instead of beating myself up I just ride the waves and look back at what it has taught me along the way. 😌


    1. Hello Nicole,
      Thank you for being here and offering your honest thoughts about being positive.
      I think that the ‘fight’ is the part I wanted most to highlight. That we really need time to just go within for a while, not fight our feelings and find out what this can teach us about ourselves and life. Usually after the hard times…It’s hard to put on a brave face and neither should we all the time.
      It’s certainly a tough journey. I’m so in agreement with you about some days just feeling low for no reason and I have made a little post about it to come.
      At the heart of it is being kind to ourselves. I’ve found this is the only option now after my journey and I’m glad to see that it’s also become your way of thinking.
      Wishing you all the best and thank you again for being here Nicole 💐

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  10. At the risk of sounding repetitive, I once again related to this post and got so much from it. Loved your lemon and recipe analogies too. It’s great to have something to visualise in order to change thinking. You’ve hit the right notes with this wonderful post and just as an aside, I love The Life of Brian! 💜💜👍👏

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Kim,
      Firstly, you are not repetitive…if you can relate to a post, it means we are sharing a similar journey, and that’s where the comfort lies, I believe. ‘We are not alone’.
      I love imagery and find it helps me so I’m really thrilled you could identify with this one about the lemons and the recipe.
      Secondly, thank you so much for your kind words. They mean a lot.
      I hope you hummed along to the song if you love The Life of Brian. That song helped my husband through a challenging day when he was a young man…
      Thank you for being here,
      Di 💐💜💜


    1. Dear Mich,
      That has made my day. Thank you so much for letting me know. I’m honoured and would be so happy if it could make a tiny difference to your friend. That’s all I could ever hope for from this blog.
      I wish her well and send my best regards to her.
      Thank you again Mich 💜

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